Peace be upon you all. This article is made as a correction for the article Masjid (mosque of) Bandar, Perak? made 3 days ago. The pictures here were contributed by our friend Zam. Come! :]
Inilah Masjid Bandar...
This is the mosque of Bandar...
Wadah tambahan kepada blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" dan "Berpetualang ke Aceh", khusus untuk berkongsi pandangan mengenai seni Melayu terutama senibina lama. An extension to the blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" (Malay) and "Berpetualang ke Aceh" (English), specifically to share views on Malay art especially old architecture.
Setelah puas hati dengan penemuan masjid unik di Kampung Bandar kami pun menghala kembali ke utara untuk masuk ke kompleks sejarah Pasir Salak. Kelihatan di sini ialah muzium utama di dalam...
After we were satisfied of having found the unique mosque in Kampung Bandar we then headed back up north to get to the Pasir Salak historical complex. Seen here is the main museum inside...
Ini adalah gambar pakaian Puteri Perak di serambinya. Pengunjung dilarang mengambil gambar di dalam... Jadi kami pun patuh!
This is a picture of the Puteri Perak traditional clothing at its verandah. Visitors are not allowed to take pictures... And so we obliged!
Tetapi apabila sampai ke galeri keris di tingkat bawah, kami tidak dapat menahan diri...
But when we reached the keris (traditional Malay blades) gallery at the lower level, we couldn't stop ourselves...
Maka terimalah gambar-gambar ini!
So please accept these pictures!
Apapun, seperti kami, 'pahlawan' itu juga peminat senjata lama Melayu. Sekian! :]
Whatever, like us, the 'warrior' is a fan of old Malay weapons. That's all! :]
Sebenarnya saya pergi berjalan ke Perak kali ini dengan beberapa orang kawan... Kami ke Kampung Bandar Tua, beberapa kilometer di selatan Pasir Salak untuk mencari sebuah masjid yang kata seorang kawan memiliki rekabentuk yang amat unik. Katanya lagi, di perkarangan masjid itu ada makam seorang ulamak terkenal. Akhirnya setelah berjalan beberapa kilometer lagi ke selatan, kelihatanlah masjid ini...
Actually I went around Perak this time with some friends. We went to Kampung Bandar Tua, a few kilometres south of Pasir Salak to look for a certain mosque said by a friend to have a very unique design and architecture. Furthermore he said, at the mosque's compound there lies the tomb of famous religious teacher. At last, after going a few more kilometres further down south, then we saw this mosque...
Lihat menaranya yang unik ini...
Look at this unique tower...
Malah seluruh rekabentuknya terasa unik...
In fact its whole architecture feels unique...
Papantanda pecah ini menyebut masjid ini sebagai Masjid Muhammediah, Kampung Ayer Mati. Tetapi kawan yang memberitahu tentang kewujudan masjid unik yang dimaksudkan menyebut ia berada di dalam kawasan Kampung Bandar! (Kawan itu tidak turut serta dalam perjalanan ini, sekurang-kurangnya dia tiada dalam bahagian yang ini tetapi ada di Teluk Intan)...
This broken signage named this mosque as the Muhammediah mosque, (at) Kampung (village of) Ayer Mati. But the friend who told me about the existence of the unique mosque he referred to said it is within the area of Kampung Bandar! (This friend did not participate in this trip, at least not in this particular leg but he was there in Teluk Intan)
Saya terpaksa berfikir sejenak. Tadi selepas 2-3 kilometer meninggalkan Kampung Bandar Tua, warga tempatan yang ditemui memberitahu memang terdapat Kampung Bandar beberapa kilometer lagi ke selatan. Apabila memikirkan keadaan geografi Perak bahagian itu seperti yang saya ketahui, jikalau kami bergerak ke selatan lagi kami akan bertemu dengan Sungai Perak yang membelok ke Barat. Ertinya selatan lagi ialah sungai, tiada lagi perkampungan. Maka Kampung Bandar yang dimaksudkan mestilah di sini ya tidak? Mungkin ia kini dikenali sebagai Kampung Air Mati?
I had to think and reflect a bit. Just now after 2-3 kilometres leaving Kampung Bandar Tua, the locals met told us there is a Kampung Bandar a few more kilometres down south. When I think about the geographical condition of these parts of Perak as that I knew of, if we move on further south we would come across the parts of the Perak river which curve to the West. This means further south would be the river, no more villages. So the Kampung Bandar those people referred to must be this one isn't it? Maybe it is now known as Kampung Air Mati?
Kita lihat masjid ini dari sudut lain...
Let us look at the mosque from a different angle...
Rupa-rupanya di hadapannya terdapat sebuah lagi makam!
As it turned out there exist another tomb right in front!
Let us go inside...
Hmm... Nampaknya ia dibina tahun 1968. Tak lah lama sangat. Tetapi rekabentuknya tetap unik. Sekian! :]
Hmm... Looks like it was built in the year 1968. Not that old actually. But the design still remains unique. That's all! :]
Pembetulan (dibuat Jumaat 12 Sept): Saudara Zam yang pernah memberitahu tentang kewujudan Masjid Kampung Bandar telah memberitahu bahawa masjid di atas ini bukannya Masjid Bandar. Sebuah posting baru tentang ini akan dibuat kemudian... Maka masjid di atas ini sebenarnya memang Masjid Muhammediah di Kampung Ayer Mati. Harap maklum!
Correction (made Friday 12 Sept): Our friend Zam who have told us about the existence of the mosque of Kampung Bandar then informed us that the mosque above is not the Bandar mosque. A new posting on the matter will be made afterwards... So the mosque above is actually the Muhammediah mosque of Kampung Ayer Mati as mentioned in the broken signage. Please take note!
Sebenarnya artikel Masjid lama (old mosque of) Sungkai, Perak adalah hasil satu perjalanan terbaru yang dibuat di Perak 16-18 Ogos. Selepas singgah di Sungkai, saya melalui Bidor untuk ke Teluk Intan. Esoknya saya menghala ke Pasir Salak, tergerak untuk berjalan sedikit lebih jauh menghala ke Kampung Bandar Tua lalu terlihat masjid di atas ini.
Actually the article Masjid lama (old mosque of) Sungkai, Perak is the result of the latest trip made in Perak 16-18 August. After stopping at Sungkai, I went past Bidor to get to Teluk Intan. The following day I headed for Pasir Salak, felt like going a bit further towards Kampung (village of Bandar Tua and saw the mosque above.
Masjid ini kelihatan menarik. Jadi saya pergi melihat lebih dekat...
The mosque looks interesting. So I came for a closer look...
Apapun, bentuk masjid ini ialah bentuk biasa sesetengah masjid lama yang terdapat di Perak.
Whatever, the design and shape of the mosque is common among some old mosques available in Perak.
Mungkin juga saya tertarik kerana lokasinya di Kampung Bandar Tua yang boleh dikaitkan dengan sebuah bandar Melayu lama yang katanya telah wujud lebih 300 tahun lalu.
Maybe I was more interested in its location in Kampung Bandar Tua (literally could be translated as the village of the old town) which could be related to a Malay old town said to have existed more than 300 years ago.