Monday, November 01, 2010

Makam diraja dan Tarsilah Brunei (The royal mausoleum and the inscribed stone called Tarsilah Brunei)

Dalam artikel sebelum ini sudah disebut bahawa Kubah Makam Diraja Brunei itu sebenarnya adalah sebahagian dari kompleks makam diraja yang sebahagian besarnya terletak di kaki bukit.

It has been mentioned in the previous article that the Kubah Makam Diraja Brunei is actually part of the royal mausoleum complex of which its majority part is situated at the foot of the hill.

Menurut maklumat dalam Kubah Makam Diraja, bermula dari Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin I, semua Sultan Brunei disemadikan dalam kawasan ini.
According to the information inside the Kubah Makam Diraja, starting with Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin I, all Brunei Sultans are laid to rest within this area.

Apapun saya lebih tertarik untuk melihat Tarsilah Brunei, sebuah batu bersurat yang ditulis tahun awal abad ke 19 untuk merekodkan sedikit sejarah tentang setiap pemerintah Brunei sejak dahulukala.
Whatever I was more interested to look at the Tarsilah Brunei, an inscribed stone which was written early 19th century to record a bit of history of every Brunei ruler since the olden days.

Untuk mengetahui apa yang tercatat pada batu ini lihat bahagian terakhir artikel Pameran di Muzium Brunei (Exhibits at Brunei Museum) 2.
To know what is written on this stone look at the last parts of the article Pameran di Muzium Brunei (Exhibits at Brunei Museum) 2.

Walaupun saya tidak memberikan perhatian pada makam-makam Sultan di kaki bukit, tanpa tidak dirancang saya telah mengambil satu gambar. Ini adalah makam Sultan ke 19, Sultan Muhammad Tajuddin. Gambar diambil kerana ia terletak di sebelah batu Tarsilah Brunei. Kemudian baru saya tahu ia milik seorang Sultan.
Although I gave no attention to the tombs of Sultans situated at the foot of the hill, without planning I took one picture. This the tomb of the 19th Sultan, Sultan Muhammad Tajuddin. This picture was taken as it is situated besides the stone Tarsilah Brunei. Later only did I know it belongs to a Sultan.

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