Monday, November 01, 2010

Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Hassanil Bolkiah

Ini adalah satu lagi masjid utama di Brunei.
This is another main mosque in Brunei.

Ia dinamakan Masjid jamek Hassanil Bolkiah sempena Sultan yang memerintah sekarang
It is named the main mosque of Hassanil Bolkiah to commemorate the Sultan currently reigning.

Kita lihat dari sisi kanan.
We have a look from its right side.

Menara yang ada mengingatkan pada bentuk tubuh ular sawa...

The towers available remind one of the body shape of pythons...

Lihat rupa masjid dari tepi.

Look at the shape of the mosque from besides.

Saya tak tahu jika ia memiliki kubah emas padu.

I don't know if it has domes made of solid gold.

Tetapi saya tidak hairan jika ia sekurang-kurangnya disalut emas.

But I am not surprised if it is at least covered with gold.

Mari kita masuk melalui pintu utama.

Come let us enter through the main door.

Ada tangga naik seperti biasa kelihatan di hotel 5 bintang.

There's staircases to go up as normally seen at 5 star hotels.

Satu pandangan ke bawah...

A look towards downstairs...

Sekarang baru kita melihat ke dalam dewan utama solat.

Now only do we have a look inside the main praying hall.

Bahagian bawah kubah...
Section under the dome...

Biar dimaklumkan. Seperti di Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddin (lihat Masjid (Mosque of) Omar Ali Saifuddin, Brunei) orang ramai sebenarnya dilarang mengambil gambar di dalam. Tetapi tak apalah. Demi pembaca blogspot ini biar dipaparkan sedikit gambar.
Let it be informed. Just like at the mosque of Omar Ali Saifuddin (look at Masjid (Mosque of) Omar Ali Saifuddin, Brunei) people at large are actually refrained from taking pictures inside. But let's just set this aside. For readers of this blogspot let a few pictures be featured.

Ini pula adalah mihrab. Cukuplah paparan.
This in turn is the front-most section. Enough display.

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