Peace be upon you all. Now comes the time to feature places in Brunei based on a visit done early August 2010. Come...
Ini adalah Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddin (juga dieja Saifuddien), satu ikon Brunei di peringkat antarabangsa.
This is the mosque of Omar Ali Saifuddin (also spelt as Saifuddien), a Brunei icon at international level.
Dinamakan sempena Sultan yang memerintah Brunei ketika masjid didirikan 1954-1958 (kini sudah mangkat) ia menjadi bangunan yang cukup sinonim dengan negara ini.
Named after the Sultan who ruled Brunei when the mosque was built 1954-1958 (now already deceased) it becomes a building which is so synonymous with this nation.
The mosque's tower.
Sayap kiri belakang di mana terdapat tempat wudhuk.
The rear left wing where lies the place for taking abolution.
Kubah yang dikatakan dibuat menggunakan emas padu!
The dome said to be made using solid gold!
Mari kita lihat lebih dekat...
Let us have a closer look...
Oh. Rasanya elok kita ambil wudhuk dahulu.
Oh. I feel it is better to take abolution first.

Dewan solat. Harus dimaklumkan bahawa pelawat dilarang mengambil gambar di dalam. Jadi biar saya mengaku mengambil gambar secara curi-curi untuk tatapan pengunjung setia blogspot ini.
Praying hall. It must be informed that visitors are not allowed to take pictures inside. Thus let me confess of taking pictures by stealth for the viewing pleasure of faithful visitors to this blogspot.
Area under the dome.
The pulpit.

Front-most section. For information this is the 424th article in this blogspot.
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