Bersambung daripada artikel Lawatan terbaru ke makam Tun Habib (Latest visit to the tomb of Tun Habib) .
Continued from the article Lawatan terbaru ke makam Tun Habib (Latest visit to the tomb of Tun Habib) .
Continued from the article Lawatan terbaru ke makam Tun Habib (Latest visit to the tomb of Tun Habib) .
Across the road some 1 km from the tomb of Tun Habib lies in the turn the Tauhid tomb...
Oleh kerana saya sampai di sini sekitar jam 8 malam, saya terpaksa menggunakan lampu kereta untuk menembusi kegelapan...
Since I arrived here sometime around 8 at night, I have to us the carlights to penetrate the dark...
Papan maklumat menyatakan tempat ini sebagai kota juga makam. Kota Tauhid (pada papan dieja Touhid) menjadi pusat pemerintahan Empayar Johor-Riau 2 kali, iaitu pada zaman pemerintahan Sultan Abdul Jalil III (1633-1677) seterusnya Sultan Abdul Jalil IV (1699-1718), anakanda Bendahara Tun Habib yang menaiki takhta setelah kemangkatan Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang.
The information boards states that this place as a fort also a tomb area. Kota (fort of) Tauhid (on the board it is spelt Touhid) became the centre of rule for the Johor-Riau Empire twice, that is during the rule of Sultan Abdul Jalil III (1633-1677) followed by Sultan Abdul Jalil IV (1699-1718), the son of Bendahara Tun Habib who ascended the throne after the demise of Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang (a famous Sultan who was killed while being carried on a pedestal).
Ini pula tinggalan yang ada...
This is the remains of what is left...
There exist a number of old tombs...
Batu nesan yang digunakan adalah dari jenis Batu Aceh juga menandakan pemiliknya berdarah raja ataupun bangsawan.
The tombstones used are also of the type known as Batu Aceh signifying its owners as coming from the bloodlines of royalty or nobility.