Seperti diterangkan dalam posting terakhir di CATATAN SI MERAH SILU iaitu artikel bertajuk, Ketinggalan dua buah bas... saya ada sedikit kegilaan tentang nombor. Maka setelah membuat sejumlah posting dengan nombor-nombor yang ada makna tertentu buat diri ini, saya berazam tidak akan membuat apa-apa posting baru sehingga sampai tarikh yang sesuai.
As explained in my last posting at CATATAN SI MERAH SILU in the article Ketinggalan dua buah bas... I have an obsession with numbers. And so, after making a number of postings which adds up to numbers which had a certain meaning for this self, I pledged not to make any new postings until a suitable date arrives.
Hari ini sudah masuk 1 Rejab, bulan Islam yang juga dikatakan bulan Allah. Sampailah masanya untuk memecahkan 'kebuntuan'. Untuk makluman, saya kini berada di Baling, Kedah... Semalam sempat menziarahi beberapa tempat yang dikaitkan dengan lagenda Raja Bersiong, setelah bermalam 5 hari di Kelantan termasuk di Masjid Brunei, Danau Tok Uban dan Masjid Tok Kenali di Kubang Kerian.
Today enters 1st of Rejab, the Islamic month said to be the month of God. So comes the time to break the ice. For information, I'm currently in Baling Kedah... Yesterday, I managed to visit some areas associated with the legendary figure Raja Bersiong (the king with fangs!), after spending 5 nights in Kelantan including at the Brunei mosque in Danau Tok Uban and the mosque of Tok Kenali in Kubang Kerian.
Here, I will start telling stories again. Let us start with pictorial stories on Kuala Lipis ya, the last town where I made some additions in the blogspot (but no new posting, just some additions in the article Ketinggalan dua buah bas...) This is it...
Oh! For information, Kuala Lipis is said to be the first capital of 'modern' Pahang. What is meant by modern here is that it was the capital after Pahang went under English (or British) rule, starting in the 1880s, a period which also saw Bendahara (something like Prime Minister) Wan Ahmad raised to become Sultan (like a king) with the colonialist's support.
Kuala Lipis is situated some 60km from Raub. It was named after the estuary (kuala) of the Lipis river not far away, the estuary which met Sungai Jelai, one of the main rivers in Pahang.
Pada saya, Kuala Lipis mempunyai tarikan yang tersendiri terutama kerana kehadiran bangunan-bangunan lama sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua yang agak comel. Hmm... Kita sambung cerita dengan gambar ya...
For me, Kuala Lipis has it's own attractions especially the existence of old pre-World War Two buildings which are rather 'cute'. Hmm... Let's continue with pictures ya...
Ini adalah gambar pertama yang diambil sebaik sahaja sampai ke Kuala Lipis. Kereta Mercedes dengan plet nombor WGW 3300 yang diletakkan setentang dengan menara masjid lama Kuala Lipis seakan mempunyai satu makna yang tersirat buat diri saya.
This is the first picture taken immediately upon arriving at Kuala Lipis. A Mercedes with plate number WGW 3300 parked in-line with the minaret of the old mosque of Kuala Lipis seemed to hold a certain meaning for me.
Perhatikan dengan teliti. Aras ketinggian tempat letak kereta ini sama dengan perhentian bas tempat saya turun daripada Raub. Masjid lama yang dibina tahun 1888 ini pula terletak lebih kurang 15 kaki ke bawah sementara di belakang masjid pula terdapat Sungai Jelai dengan aras biasa airnya sekitar 20 kaki lagi ke bawah.
Look carefully. The parking lot is of the same height and level as the bus station where I embarked from Raub. In turn, the old mosque built in 1888 is situated some 15 feet under while behind the mosque, there lies the river of Jelai with its normal water level at 20 feet more underneath.
Menurut cerita tempatan, Kuala Lipis pernah dilanda banjir besar sehingga meliputi stesyen bas. Yang peliknya, masjid lama pula tidak tenggelami air sedangkan kedudukan lebih ke bawah!
According to the locals, Kuala Lipis once suffered from severe flood which reached the bus station. What is weird, the old mosque was not touched by the flood although it is situated at lower ground!
Masjid jamek Kuala Lipis dilihat daripada stesyen keretapi...
Stesyen keretapi Kuala Lipis. Pada awalnya, saya bercadang untuk menaiki keretapi jam 2.30 atau 3.15 petang untuk ke Kelantan. Selepas itu tidak ada lagi perkhidmatan sehingga jam 3 pagi! Tetapi saya terleka membuat pembetulan dan penambahan yang patut dalam blogspot di sebuah Internet Cafe sehingga tertinggal kedua-dua keretapi!
Kuala Lipis train station. At first, I planned to take the 2.30 or 3.15pm bus to Kelantan. After that, there won't be any service until 3 in the morning! But I was so engrossed making corrections and additions to the blogspot at an Internet Cafe until I missed both trains!
Ini adalah medan makan berhadapan dengan lorong masuk ke stesyen keretapi... Suasana di sini agak meriah, saya pun singgah untuk minum kopi sebentar.
This is the food and beverage area in front of the road towards the train station... It felt so alive, so I stopped a while for coffee.
Tidak lama kemudian, timbul rasa untuk mengambil gambar. Sebaik sahaja gambar diambil, lelaki India di dalam gambar (yang memalingkan muka) itu meminta supaya gambarnya jangan dimasukkan dalam suratkhabar! Apa? Dia ingat saya ini wartawan ke? Heh! :]
Soon enough, I feel like taking pictures. As soon as this one is taken, an Indian gentlemen in the picture (the one looking away) asked that the picture not be entered in the newspapers! What! Does he think I'm a reporter? Hah! :]
This is the bus station of Kuala Lipis. Had the time to hang the promotional poster for the "Berpetualang ke Aceh" book series under the station's sign-board...
I stopped by at some stalls for tea... There appeared an Indian man pushing so much goods. Felt like recording it...
Orang menjual durian di hadapan stesyen bas
Kelihatan lagi lelaki India tua tadi menarik barangan lain pula!
Ini pula gambar jambatan merentangi Sungai Jelai yang diambil daripada bas jam 6 ke Gua Musang, Kelantan. Selepas tertinggal keretapi petang, saya harus memilih samada menunggu sehingga pagi buta untuk perkhidmatan keretapi seterusnya, bermalam di Kuala Lipis atau mencari kenderaan lain ke Kelantan. Rasanya tidak sabar mahu Kelantan... Kebetulan masih sempat untuk mengejar satu-satunya bas ke Gua Musang... Maka ke situlah saya hari itu! Bye! :]
This is a picture of the bridge crossing Sungai Jelai taken from inside the 6pm bus to Gua Musang, Kelantan. After missing the afternoon trains, I must choose whether to wait till the wee hours for the next train, sleep at Kuala Lipis or find another means to get to Kelantan. Felt unpatient to go to Kelantan... It happens there's still enough time to get the only bus to Gua Musang... So there I went for the day! Bye! :]
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