From Seri Menanti I head for Kuala Pilah to get to a place called Tanjung Ipoh. From there I went to Kuala Talang. So what is available there? This is the story. Come! :]
Ini adalah Masjid Kuala Talang...
Di hadapan dalam kawasan masjid kelihatan bangunan kuning ini!
Right in front within the mosque's courtyard one could see this yellow building!
Saya pernah pergi ke sini sekurang-kurangnya 5 kali tetapi semuanya lebih 5 tahun lalu. Seingat saya cuma 2 atau 3 kali sahaja saya sampai ke sini dan pintu bangunan ini terbuka... Apabila penjaganya, seorang wanita tua turut berada di dalam. Pada masa-masa lain, ia terkunci rapat.
I've been here at least 5 times but all were more then 5 years ago. As far as I could remember only 2 or 3 times I arrived here and the door to the building is open... When the caretaker, an old woman is around and normally sit inside. At all other times, it was securely locked.
Dalam perjalanan kali ini, saya risau juga tidak dapat masuk ke dalam. Maklumlah, tempat ini boleh tahan jauh daripada tempat saya menetap di Lembah Kelang sedangkan saya sudah lama tak datang sini. Alhamdulillah, ternyata pintu ini tidak berkunci walaupun tiada penjaganya!
In the latest visit, I was worried if I couldn't get in. What do you expect, the place is quite far from where I reside in the Kelang Valley while it's been quite a long time since I was here. Praise be to God, as it turned out the door was not locked eventhough the caretaker was not around!
Jadi apa yang ada di dalam? Relaks... Kalau boleh nampak, cuba teliti sedutan sebuah buku yang di copy dan digantung di atas ayat Quran ini. Tak boleh nampak?
So what is inside? Relax... If you could see, try to examine and study excerpts copied from a book and hanged up the Quranic verses seen here. Can't see it?
Baiklah. Biar saya tolong... Lihat objek di sebalik dinding ini. Anda boleh nampak sedikit di sini...
Fine. Let me help... Try to look at the object behind these walls. You can see a bit of it already...
Ha... Tu dia... Eh. Busut ke? Ya, memang busut. Tetapi busut itu tumbuh di atas satu tempat istimewa. Kalau nak tahu, inilah dia makam seorang wali yang dikenali sebagai Tuan Tulis!
Ha.... That's it... Eh. Is it a termite mound? Ya, it is a termite mound. But the mound sprouted on top of a very special place. If you want to know, this is the tomb of a saintly person known as Tuan Tulis (literally translated as the master who writes a lot)!
Tempat ini begitu istimewa sehingga diiktiraf sebagai satu tempat bersejarah...
This place is so special that it is recognised and gazetted as a historical place...
Jadi siapa dia Tuan Tulis? Saya rasa cukuplah informasi yang terpapar ini ya. Selebihnya cari sendiri. Sekian!
So who is Tuan Tulis? I feel the information provided here is quite sufficient ya. For more please look up yourself. That's all!