Akhirnya, setelah 2 minggu
blogspot ini tidak diperbaharui , baru ada gambar-gambar yang dirasakan sesuai untuk dipaparkan di sini. Adapun beberapa
posting di sini kebelakangan ini dibuat berdasarkan gambar-gambar daripada koleksi perjalanan terbaru saya ke Pantai Timur yang tamat lebih sebulan lalu, selari dengan proses penceritaannya di
At last, after 2 weeks this blogspot have not been updated, now there's pictures that I feel suitable to be shown here. As it is, some of the recent postings here were made based on the collection of pictures from my latest travel to the East Coast which was completed more than a month ago, in line with the related story-telling process in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU ...
Proses penceritaan itu sebenarnya telah tamat lebih seminggu lalu untuk digantikan dengan proses penceritaan terbaru mengenai kembara satu hari yang dibuat di Negeri Sembilan pada Ahad 18 Mei 2008 lalu. Kini, proses penceritaan itu sampai pada satu peringkat di mana ada gambar-gambar yang sesuai dikongsi di blogspot ini pula. Sila! :]
The story-telling process was actually completed more than a week ago to be replaced with the latest story-telling process based on a one-day trip made in Negeri Sembilan on Sunday 18th May 2008 not long ago. Now the process has arrived to a stage where the pictures in turn are suitable to be shared in this blogspot for a change. Come!
Tidak jauh di luar pekan Kuala Klawang, boleh kelihatan papantanda ini...
Not far from the town of Kuala Klawang, one could see this signboard...
Ia menunjukkan arah ke masjid ini...
It points the way to this mosque...
Inilah Masjid Kuala Dulang, sebuah masjid yang sangat bersejarah di Negeri Sembilan...
Here is the mosque of Kuala Dulang, a mosque with much significant history in Negeri Sembilan...
Papantanda di hadapannya menyebut ia adalah masjid paling tua dalam daerah Jelebu, dibina dalam abad ke 16 Masihi!
The signboards in front said it is the oldest mosque in the district of Jelebu, built in the 16th Century AD!
Melihat bentuk bangunan ini, rasanya ia bukanlah bangunan asal yang mungkin sudah lama reput...
Looking at this building, I believe it is not the original building which could have long fall rotten...
Apapun, masjid ini dianggap mempunyai kelebihan dan karamahnya yang tersendiri... Menurut ceritanya, semasa ia dibina, tiba-tiba muncul sebuah dulang makanan di satu sudut berisi jamuan untuk dimakan oleh mereka yang sibuk mendirikan masjid ini!
Whatever, the mosque is regarded as having its attractions, in fact charismatic miracles of its own... According to the tales, when it was built, suddenly there appeared a tray with dishes of food at one corner for the meal of those who were busy building this mosque!

Sayangnya, kamera digital murah saya tidak dapat menangkap gambar di dalam dengan terang. Dulang ajaib itu dikatakan muncul tiap-tiap hari, setiap kali dengan hidangan makanan yang baru untuk para pekerja menikmatinya sehingga puas! Dulang ini terus muncul setiap hari untuk hidangan para pengunjung selepas bangunan asal masjid ini siap dibina lebih 400 tahun lalu. Beberapa tahun kemudian barulah ia hilang... Cukup.. :]
Too bad, my cheap digital camera couldn't catch the picture inside clearly. The magical tray is said to have appeared every day, everytime with a new set of dishes for all the workers to enjoy to their heart's content! The tray still appear everyday to fill the stomachs of visitors even after the original building for this mosque was completed more than 400 years ago. It only disappeared a few years later... Enough... :]