Haji Yusuf yang telah lama meninggal dunia dikenali sebagai seorang alim yang pandai mengubat orang serta menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah dengan pengunaan ayat-ayat Al-Quran. Semasa hidup, surau ini sering didatangi ramai orang termasuk mereka yang mahu menuntut ilmu.
Haji Yusuf who have passed away some time ago is known as religious man good at curing diseases and solving problems using verses from the Al-Quran. When he was still alive, the small praying hall was often visited by many people including those who seeked knowledge.
Pandangan dalam surau. Menurut ceritanya, semasa menunaikan haji di Mekah, Haji Yusuf telah berdoa mahu melihat isi Ka'abah. Sekonyong-konyong itu beliau dapat mendekati pintu Ka'abah di sebalik kehadiran ribuan orang yang berhimpit-himpit. Malah beliau diangkat naik lalu dapat masuk ke dalam. Untuk makluman, pintu Ka'abah jarang sekali dibuka. Sekian...
The view inside the praying hall. According to the stories, when he was performing his hajj (the Muslim pilgrimage) to Mekah, Haji Yusuf prayed to God asking to see what's inside the Ka'abah. Immediately he managed to approach the door of the Ka'abah despite the presence of thousands of people stacked around. In fact he was carried up and then got inside. For information, the doors of the Ka'abah is rarely opened. That's all...
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