Ini adalah Masjid Baiturrahim yang terletak di Uleelheue, pinggir Banda Aceh.
This is the mosque of Baiturrahim which is situated at Uleelheue, at the outskirts of Banda Aceh.
After the mosque of Baiturrahman (look at the article Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Baiturrahman, Aceh ) in the city centre, this could be said to be the second most famous mosque in Aceh which managed to survive the onslaught of Tsunami 26 December 2004.

Masjid ini terletak berdekatan laut. Orang di sini menceritakan bahawa ombak Tsunami melanda pada paras tertinggi bangunan ini. Untuk pengetahuan ketinggian ombak yang melanda tidak sama bagi semua tempat. Ada yang dikatakan setinggi pohon kelapa malah lebih tinggi lagi, namun yang paling rendah pun melepasi 2 meter!
This mosque is situated close to the sea. The people here related that the tidal wave of Tsunami reached the highest part of this building. For information the height of the waves were not the same for all places. There were those which is said to rise above coconut trees and even higher, but still the lowest went pass 2 metres!

Kalau tak salah, catatan di sini menyebut masjid ini dibina tahun 1343 Hijrah atau sekitar 1924 Masihi gitu...
If I'm not mistaken, the inscription here says the mosque was built in the year 1343 Hijriah which should be equivalent to around 1924 or so...

Kalau tak salah ingatan, menara azannya pula dibina selepas Tsunami.
If I remember correctly, its call-to-prayer tower was in turn built after the Tsunami.

Selepas Tsunami ia telah dibaik-pulih hingga jadi rupa yang kelihatan kini. Namun hakikat yang ia masih dapat bertahan dan mengalami cuma sedikit kerosakan yang lebih berbentuk kosmetik sudah cukup menakjubkan, di kala kawasan sekelilingnya jadi seperti padang jarak padang tekukur dilanggar ombak ganas.
After the Tsunami it was renovated until it got the appearance as could be seen today. Still the fact that it managed to stand tall and only suffered minor damages which were more cosmetic in nature remains as something amazing, at a time when the surroundings became like a huge open lifeless field hit by the vicious waves.

Sekarang mari lihat dalamnya...
Now let us see its inside...
The pulpit...
Kawasan solat perempuan...
The women's praying section...
Di kanan hadapan luar masjid pula kelihatan batu nesan yang terserlah besar ini, saya tak tahu milik siapa...
On the right front outside the mosque is seen this tombstone which stands out large, I don't know to whom it belongs...