Hari ini biar saya letakkan sesuatu yang lain. Mari! :]
Today let me put something different. Come! :]
Minggu lepas, setelah menemani isteri pergi ke kelinik keluarga di pekan Batu Arang, isteri saya terasa mahu mengposkan sesuatu untuk anak-anak di Kelantan. Kami pun pergi ke pejabat pos pekan itu. Terus saya teruja...
Last week, after accompanying the wife to the family clinic at the small town of Batu Arang, my wife feels like she wants to post something to our kids in Kelantan. We then went to the town's post office. Immediately I became excited...

Sebenarnya inilah kali pertama saya sampai ke pejabat pos ini. Melihatkan bangunan kayunya, saya rasa amat tertarik. Saya tak ingat jika saya pernah pergi ke mana-mana pejabat pos di Malaysia yang memiliki bangunan sebegini.
Actually this is the first time I went to this post office. Looking at its wooden building, I felt very attracted. I can't remember if I have even been to any post office in Malaysia with such a building.

Seingat saya semua pejabat pos yang saya pernah pergi berbangunan batu. Sayangnya pejabat ini ditutup sehingga selepas waktu makan tengahari.
As far as I could remember all the post office I've ever been to are built on of concrete. Too bad, the post office was closed until lunchtime.

Apapun, pejabat ini ada juga bahagian yang dibuat daripada batu. Semasa sibuk mengambil gambar, datang seorang kakitangan bertanyakan apa yang saya buat. Setelah diberitahu, saya teruja dengan bangunan kayu pejabat pos ini, dia memberitahu di negeri Selangor masih ada sekurang-kurangnya 2 pejabat pos yang berbangunan sebegini. Katanya satu di Bukit Rotan, satu lagi saya sudah lupa. Sekian.
Whatever, this office also has parts build from concrete. While busy snapping pictures, came a post office staff asking what I was doing. After being told that I was excited at the office's wooden building, he told me that in the state of Selangor there are at least 2 post offices with such a building. He said one is in Bukit Rotan, the other I've forgotten where. That's all.
Perghh... klasik
Classic FM, hehe! :]
menarik,salam kenal..jmput follow kmbali :)
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