Here there is something I found in my picture file for the month of November 2009. Come...
Semasa saya kembali bercuti di kampung sebelah ibu, Kampung Temiang di Muar, Johor seorang sepupu membawa saya untuk melihat kubur lama ini...
When I went back for holiday at my mother's side native village, Kampung (village of) Temiang in Muar, Johor a cousin of mine brought me to see this old tomb...

Sambil-sambil itu saya melihat keadaan sekeliling...
At the same time I observed the surroundings...

Saya cuma ingat pemiliknya ada seorang yang dianggap keramat, mungkin seorang ulamak. Selain itu saya ingat sepupu saya memberitahu kapal orang ini pernah karam di perairan Muar. Tetapi beliau diselamatkan lalu dibawa ke daratan oleh sekumpulan ikan!.
I could only remember that the owner was a person considers to have magical powers, perhaps a religious scholar. Besides that I remember my cousin saying that this man's ship once capsized off the waters in Muar. But he was saved and brought to land by a school of fish!

Di situ juga terdapat sebuah lagi makam dengan batu serupa tetapi lebih kecil. Saya cuma boleh memberitahu makam-makam ini terletak di dalam kawasan kebun di belakang sebuah rumah berdekatan Simpang Baba, tidak jauh dari Kampung Temiang.
There one could also find another tomb with similar tombstones but of smaller size. I could only say that the tombs are located in an orchard behind a house near Simpang Baba, not far from Kampung Temiang.
Sebelum itu saya menyangkakan batu nesan Aceh paling dekat dengan bandar Muar cuma boleh ditemui di Kota Buruk, kira-kira 10 km lebih jauh dari lokasi ini. Lihat artikel lama Kota Buruk (the ruined fort) in Muar... yang dibuat di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH penghujung 2007. Jika di Simpang Baba ada makam seperti ini, maka tak mustahil terdapat banyak lagi makam lama berbatu nesan Aceh yang tidak diketahui ramai di sekitar.
Before that I thought that the Aceh gravestones closest to the town of Muar could only be found at Kota Buruk, some 10 km further from this site. Look at the old article Kota Buruk (the ruined fort) in Muar... made in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH at the end of 2007. If at Simpang Baba there exist such tombs, then it is not impossible that there are many more old tombs wth Aceh tombstones which are not known by the public around.