From Jugra we move on to the current Selangor royal town which is Kelang, also spelt Klang.
Kita lihat masjid dengan bentuk agak pelik tetapi menarik ini...
We look at this mosque which is rather odd-shaped but interesting...
Inilah Masjid Sultan Suleiman, masjid diraja Kelang.
This is it the mosque of Sultan Suleiman, the royal mosque of Kelang.
Menaranya mengingatkan pada menara jam di stesyen keretapi.
Its tower reminds one of the clock towers at train stations.
Kubahnya pula mengingatkan pada planetarium, malah binaan yang terasa dari planet lain.
Its dome in turn reminds one of the planetarim, in fact a building which feels like coming from another planet.
Let us have a closer look.
A bit of information.
Start stepping inside.
A verandah section...
Main praying hall.
Area under the dome.

The coloured glasses on top viewed closer.

The pulpit.
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