Assalamualaikum semua. Sempena malam ini sudah pun masuk 1 Syawal 1430 tahun Hijrah sedangkan fasa penceritaan perjalanan di Aceh 15-22 Jun 2009 telah pun selesai baru-baru ini, biarlah dipersembahkan di sini segala links untuk artikel tentang tempat-tempat yang dilawati dalam perjalanan itu untuk kesenangan pembaca ya. Di sini juga saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya kepada setiap pembaca setia blogspot ini. Ampun dan maaf dipinta saya sekeluarga jika ada apa-apa kesalahan samada sengaja atau tidak disedari. Semoga kita semua mendapat berkat dari bulan mulia perayaan ini. Selamat malam! :]
Peace be upon you all. To commemorate tonight which has already entered the 1st Syawal of 1430 of the Hijriah year of the Islamic calender while the phase of story-telling regarding the trip to Aceh 15-22 June 2009 has already been completed recently, let all the links to the articles regarding the places visited in that trip be presented here for the conveniece of readers ya. Here also I would like to say happy celebrating Hari Raya to all faithful readers of this blogspot. I beg your pardon and forgiveness for me and my whole family for any mistakes made intentionally or without us realising it. May we all receive blessings from this holy festive month. Good night! :]
1. Tempat-tempat terpilih di (selected places in) Aceh
2. Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Baiturrahman, Aceh
3. Gunongan...
4. Masjid (mosque of) Baiturrahim, Aceh
5. Muzium (Museum of) Aceh dan loceng (and the bell of) Cakra Donya
6. Rumah tradisional Aceh (Aceh traditional house)
7. Makam Raja-raja Dinasti Bugis (the tomb of kings from the Bugis dynasty)
8. Kompleks makam Meuh (Meuh tombs complex)
9. Makam (tomb of) Sultan Iskandar Muda?
10. Makam (tomb of) Syiah Kuala
11. Makam dan masjid (Tomb and mosque of) Teungku di Anjung
12. Makam (tomb of) Tuan di Kandang...
13. Masjid (mosque of) Indrapuri...
14. Makam (tomb of) Teungku Chik di Tiro
15. Rumah tradisional Aceh di Tanoh Abee (Aceh traditional house at Tanoh Abee)
16. Masjid (mosque of) Rahmatullah, satu monumen tsunami Aceh (a tsunami monument of Aceh)
17. Masjid (mosque of) Pekan Saree...
18. Masjid (mosque of) Beuracan
19. Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Langsa
20. Menara hadapan Masjid Raya Langsa (The tower in front the main mosque of Langsa)
21. Makam Teuku Langsa (Tombs of the Teuku of Langsa)
22. Makam (tomb of) Sultan Sayyid Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah
23. Masjid (Mosque of) Baitul Mannan, Idi...
24. Makam (tomb of) Sultan Malikus Salih!
25. Pintu Khop, jalan masuk ke nikmat duniawi (entrance to worldly pleasures)
26. Benteng (Fortress of) Indrapatra...
27. Makam (tomb of) Laksamana (royal admiral) Keumala Hayati!
28. Masjid (mosque of) Malahayati
29. Benteng (fortress of) Inong Balee, satu peninggalan (a legacy of) Laksamana Malahayati
30. Benteng (fortress of) Iskandar Muda
31. Makam (tomb of) Teuku Nyak Arif
32. Masjid (Mosque of) Hidayatul Islam
p/s: Untuk peringatan saya, ini adalah artikel ke 289 di sini.
For my information, this is the 289th article here.