Seterusnya saya menuju ke Alor Setar kemudian mengambil simpang ke Gunung Keriang lalu terlihat masjid ini.
Next I headed to Alor Setar and then took the junction to Gunung Keriang and saw this mosque.
Rekabentuknya sangat menarik terutama bumbung dan menara kecil...
Its architecture is very interesting especially the roofs and small tower...

Terdapat banyak penggunaan besi untuk hiasan selain menyokong struktur.
There is plenty usage of steel for decoration apart from supporting the structure.
Kolam wudhuk.
Pool for abolution.
Mari lihat lebih dekat...
Let us have a closer look...
Perhatikan, ada tingkat di atas.
Look, there's a level above.
Masuk ke dalam dan kelihatan tangga naik.
Enter inside and you could see a staircase for going up.

Turun kembali ke bawah. Dewan utama solat...
Returning back to ground level. The main praying hall...
Front-most section.
Silingnya tinggi.
It's ceiling is high.

Pandang ke atas kanan, kelihatan sebahagian dari tingkat atas.
Look up to the right, could be seen part of the upper level.

Pandang ke belakang atas. Kelihatan tingkat atas boleh tahan luas...
Look to the rear up. You could see the upper level is quite spacious...