OK... Ini ada sedikit gambar-gambar daripada koleksi lama saya yang patut dikongsi di sini... Gambar-gambar bangunan klasik seperti masjid dan rumah lama di Perak yang diambil dalam satu pengembaraan September lalu. Sila...
OK... Here are some pictures from my old collection which should be shared here... Pictures of classic buildings such as old mosques and houses in Perak taken in a trip last September. Come...
Bangunan madrasah di sebelah masjid lama bandar Teluk Intan...
The religious school building next to the old town mosque of Teluk Intan...
Madrasah Insaniah di satu ceruk bandar Teluk Intan... Perhatikan ukiran kayu seperti lidah menjulur daripada sudut bumbung...
The Insaniah religious school at a part of Teluk Intan... Look at the wood-carving like tounges hanging out from the corners of the roof...

Masjid jamek Lumut...
The main mosque of Lumut...
Masjid jamek Pantai Remis...
The main mosque of Pantai Remis...
Masjid Melayu bandar Taiping... Kalau tak salah ingatan, dibina oleh pembesar Melayu Ngah Ibrahim dalam tahun 1880an begitu...
The Malay mosque in the town of Taiping... If my memory serves right, it was built by the Malay noble Ngah Ibrahim in the 1880s or so...
Kota Ngah Ibrahim di Matang... Dibina sebagai tempat tinggal pembesar Melayu ini serta tempat menyimpan hasil perlombongan bijih timahnya yang melimpah ruah tahun 1870an gitu...
The fort of Ngah Ibrahim in Matang... Built as the Malay noble's residence and the place to store his overflowing tin mining proceeds in the 1870s or so...
Rumah Kapten Speedy bersebelahan Kota Ngah Ibrahim. Rakyat Britain ini pernah menjadi sekretari pembesar Melayu itu. Yang peliknya, sebaik sahaja Perjanjian Pangkor 1874 berkuat-kuasa, Kapten Speedy pula menjadi Penolong Residen British di Perak sementara para-pembesar Perak termasuk Ngah Ibrahim kehilangan kuasa. Apakah yang sebenarnya berlaku ya?
The residence of Captain Speedy next to the fort of Ngah Ibrahim. This British citizen was once the secretary to the noble. What is strange, the minute the Pangkor Treaty of 1874 was enforced, Captain Speedy was made the Assistant British Resident to Perak while the nobles of Perak inculding Ngah Ibrahim lost their power. What actually happened here ya?

Sebuah rumah Melayu dengan kedudukannya agak terlindung di belakang Kota Ngah Ibrahim. Entah kenapa, sebaik sahaja terlihat rumah ini daripada dalam kawasan kota, saya terus rasa tertarik untuk menziarahinya... Terasa seperti ia ada menyimpan sejarah sebenar Perak yang telah digelapkan penjajah dan pihak-pihak berkepentingan!
An old Malay house which is quite hidden behind the fort of Ngah Ibrahim. Don't know why, the minute I saw this house from inside the fort's compound, came the urge to pay a visit... Feels like it holds the true history of Perak which have been hidden by the colonialists and those with their own motives!
Sekolah agama Ngah Ibrahim di Matang...
The religious school of Ngah Ibrahim in Matang...
Masjid Tengku Menteri Ngah Ibrahim, juga di Matang. Sebagai rekod, elok dinyatakan, saya bukanlah peminat Ngah Ibrahim. Walaupun ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang begitu bersemangat mahu menaikkannya sebagai satu simbol kejayaan tokoh korporat Melayu yang berjuang tanpa kepentingan diri sendiri demi orang Melayu, saya mesti mengaku bahawa saya ada pendapat yang lain tentang dirinya... Ada cerita-cerita daripada pihak keluarga saya (ya, kami ada kena-mengena) menyebut Ngah Ibrahim mencipta kekayaan daripada tanah yang sebenarnya milik orang lain.
The mosque of Tengku Menteri (the noble title of) Ngah Ibrahim, in Matang. For the record, I am no fan of Ngah Ibrahim. Although certain parties are very keen to promote him as the symbol of a succesful Malay corporate figure who selflessly fought for the Malays, I must admit I have other ideas about him... There's stories coming from my side of the family (by the way, we are related, so there) saying that Ngah Ibrahim made his riches from land belonging to someone else...
Pihak yang mengagung-agungkan Ngah Ibrahim mahu menyebut bagaimana kekayaannya ketika itu melebihi Sultan Perak. Lalu kekayaan ini kononnya digunakan untuk membela orang Melayu. Malah kekayaan ini juga yang digunakan untuk membayar 'hutang' Sultan Perak kepada British. Maka inilah satu contoh yang patut diikuti generasi sekarang. Pihak lain yang lebih terpinggir pula akan menyebut, sudahlah dia mengambil tanah milik orang lain, sejarah pun mahu diubah sehingga dia diagung-agungkan sedangkan hak orang lain diketepikan dan diperkecilkan... Apalagi mahu mengangkatnya sebagai seorang pejuang besar Melayu!
The parties who glorify Ngah Ibrahim wants to mention how his wealth exceed that of the then Sultan of Perak. And the so the wealth was claimed to be used to help the Malays. In fact, the wealth was also used to settle the Sultan of Perak's 'debt' to the British. So this is an example that should be followed by the current generation. Other parties which were set aside might say, not only this man took someone else's land, even history was changed to glorify him while others' right were set aside and belittled... What more to recognise him as a major Malay fighter!
Saya sendiri berpendapat, kerenah Ngah Ibrahim yang sibuk mengumpul kekayaan lah yang telah memberi ruang untuk British bertapak di Tanah Melayu. Cukuplah... Walaupun saya tidak senang dengan apa yang saya tahu, saya tetap meletakkan gambar-gambar bangunan yang dikaitkan dengan Ngah Ibrahim di dalam blogspot ini!
I myself is of the opinion, Ngah Ibrahim's antics in gathering wealth gave British the opportunity and excuses to make their mark in the Malay lands. Enough... Although I'm not happy with what I know, I still put pictures of the buildings related to Ngah Ibrahim in this blogspot!
Ini pula sebuah bangunan milik bangsa Cina di Taiping yang menggunakan bumbung bercirikan senibina Melayu lama. Untuk pengetahuan, Taiping adalah bandar 'moden' pertama dibina di Malaysia (ketika itu dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu) iaitu dalam tahun 1880an... Moden mengikut takrif British lah di mana pemusatan kekayaan serta aktiviti perniagaan diberikan kepada bangsa lain sementara bandar-bandar Melayu dilenyapkan (lihat Petunjuk kewujudan bandar Melayu lama (Clue to the existence of an old Malay town... ). Lalu sejarah pun diubah supaya bangsa Melayu hilang arah tuju. Cukup!
This is a Chinese-owned building in Taiping with the roof using old Malay architectute. For information, Taiping is the first 'modern' town built in Malaysia (then known as Tanah Melayu, land of the Malays) that is in the 1880s... Modern according to British definition where the concentration of wealth and business activities where given to another race while Malay towns were wiped out (look in Petunjuk kewujudan bandar Melayu lama (Clue to the existence of an old Malay town... ). And so history was changed so that the Malay race lost their direction. Enough!