Perhatikan gambar poster di atas. Lihat apa yang dikatakan...
Agak-agak, faham tak apa yang ingin diwar-warkan?
Look at the picture of the poster above. See what is being said...
"Berpetualang ke Aceh" (literally translated as the trip to Aceh)
"Uncovering the lost Malay history and the secret behind the coming of the black banner! (said by the Prophet Muhammad SAW will appear from the East during the end times to signify the reestablishment of pure Islam). Why the uprising will come from the East?"
So guess, can you get what is being publised here?
Baiklah, biar saya membuat pengakuan. Sebenarnya saya belum ada mood untuk menambah apa-apa maklumat baru di blogspot ini kerana di sini, saya telah meletakkan satu standard di mana setiap artikel mesti ditulis dalam dua bahasa iaitu Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris. Maka saya perlu betul-betul bersedia untuk menulis sebelum menambah apa-apa maklumat. Tetapi apabila melihat bahawa blogspot ini tidak dikemas-kini lebih 2 minggu dan salah satu artikel terdahulu menyatakan bahawa buku BKA II akan muncul sedangkan ia sudah pun berada di pasaran, saya rasa wajib pula untuk membuat penulisan ini.
OK, let me confess. Actually I still haven't got the mood to add any new information in this blogspot as here, I had set a standard where each article must be written in two languanges, that is Malay and English. So I have to be really ready to write before adding any new information. But after realising that this blogspot have not been updated for more than 2 weeks and one of the previous article mentioned that the book BKA II (the second volume of the Malay novel series "Berpetualang ke Aceh") will appear when it is already in the market, I feel obliged to make this writing.
Hmm... Cukuplah ya... Saya rasa pembaca mesti faham apa yang ingin diluahkan di sini. Setakat memberitahu buku baru saya sudah keluar dan carilah ia di pasaran. Selamat membaca! :]
Hmm... Enough ya... I think dear readers should be able to understand what is being said here. Just to inform that my new book is already out and so find it in the market. Happy reading! :]
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