OK. Kita sambung lagi proses mengumpulkan artikel tempat-tempat menurut negara/negeri. Bersambung dari Tempat-tempat yang dilawati di Selangor (Places visited in Selangor). Ini pula untuk Negeri Sembilan. Melihat senarai yang agak kecil sedangkan saya selalu juga ke negeri itu teringat saya ada masjid atau tempat yang dilawati tidak diketengahkan. Tak apa. Kita teruskan sahaja proses sebelum diletakkan ke sidebar. Nanti bila ada artikel baru berkaitan tambah sahaja linknya terus di sana...
OK. Let us continue the process of gathering articles for places according to nations/states. Continuing from Tempat-tempat yang dilawati di Selangor (Places visited in Selangor). This in turn is for Negeri Sembilan. Looking at the rather small list despite the fact I do often go to that state made me remember there are mosques or places I have visited but not highlighted. It's alright. We just continue the process before putting it at the sidebar. When comes a new relevant article let the link be directly added there...
Masjid (Mosques)
1. Masjid negeri (State mosque of) Negeri Sembilan
2. Masjid jamek (main mosque) of Seremban
3. Masjid (Mosque of) Undang Kamat, Johol, Negeri Sembilan...
4. Masjid (mosque of) Kampung Pasit, Johol, Negeri Sembilan
5. Masjid lama (old mosque of) Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
6. Masjid (mosque of) Pantai, Negeri Sembilan...
7. Masjid (mosque of) Kuala Dulang, Negeri Sembilan
8. Surau (small praying hall of) Haji Yusuf, Rembau
9. Masjid lama (old mosque of) Linggi...
10. Sebuah surau lama di Linggi (An old praying hall in Linggi)
Makam (Tombs)
1. Makam Raja Melewar (The tomb of Raja Melewar)
2. Makam-makam lama berdekatan makam Raja Melewar (Old tombs close-by to the tomb of Raja Melewar)
3. Makam diraja (royal mausoleum of) Negeri Sembilan, Seri Menanti
4. Makam (tomb of) Raja Jumaat, Lukut, Negeri Sembilan
5. Makam (tomb) of Moyang Salleh...
7. Makam (tomb of) Sheikh Muhammad Said Linggi
8. Kubur-kubur di Jalan Penarikan (graves at the Portage Route)
Kota, istana dan lain-lain (Forts, palaces and others)
1. Replika istana (The palace replica of Raja Melewar)
2. Istana lama (the old palace of) Seri Menanti...
3. Kota (Fort of) Kuala Linggi
4. Batu hidup di (The megalithic stones at) Pengkalan Kempas...
5. Keramat Tanjung Tuan (The 'Keramat' of Tanjung Tuan)!
6. Rumah api (the lighthouse of) Tanjung Tuan...
7. Melihat sejarah di Muzium Lukut (Looking at history at the Lukut museum)!
8. Melihat sejarah lagi di Muzium Lukut (Looking at history again at the Lukut museum)!
9. Meriam (the cannon of) Datuk Undang Abdullah...
10. Sebuah rumah 'Perak' di Negeri Sembilan (A 'Perak' house in Negeri Sembilan)
11. Sebuah rumah lama di Astana Raja (An old house at Astana Raja)
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