Kedudukannya amat terserlah di atas bukit...
Its position is very prominent on top a hill...
Sepanjang saya berada di Aceh dan melawat banyak tempat, rasanya kedudukan makam inilah yang paling terserlah!
All the while I was in Aceh and visiting plenty of places, I think this tomb is the one which has the most prominent position!
Apa yang membuat ia mendapat kedudukan terhormat seperti begini?
What made it deserves to get such a respected position as this?
Sejarah rasmi Aceh malah sejarah dunia mengenali Laksamana Keumala Hayati sebagai seorang pemimpin wanita yang terserlah lebih 400 tahun lalu. Cicit Sultan Salehuddin (memerintah Aceh 1530-1539) ini pernah memimpin satu angkatan laut 2,000 orang janda menewaskan sebuah armada Belanda!
The official history of Aceh in fact history of the world recognise Laksamana Keumala Hayati as a female leader who became prominent more than 400 years ago. This great grandchild of Sultan Salehuddin (ruled Aceh 1530-1539) once lead a naval force of 2,000 widows and beat a Dutch armada!
Apa yang menarik adalah kedudukan makam Laksamana Keumala Hayati yang diletakkan sebelah menyebelah dalam satu kepok bersama makam suaminya Laksamana Zainal Abidin. Kain putih yang digunakan untuk 'menyatukan' makam memberikan rasa romantik!
What is interesting is the position of the tomb of Laksamana Keumala Hayati which is put side by side in one box along with the tomb of her husband Laksamana Zainal Abidin. The white clothes used to 'unify' the tombs gave a feeling of romance!
Lebih menarik lagi adalah rasa yang timbul akibat kedudukan makam. Ia seolah mengesahkan satu telahan melalui kajian peribadi yang telah dibuat bertahun dahulu bahawa baik Laksamana Keumala Hayati mahupun Laksamana Zainal Abidin memiliki identiti rahsia yang lebih bersifat pasangan diraja. Mungkin sebab itu makam mereka mendapat kedudukan begini terserlah?
What is more important is the feel which arises because of the position of the tombs. It is as if it verifies a guesswork through a private research made years ago which shows both Laksamana Keumala Hayati and Laksamana Zainal Abidin as having secret identities which are more of a royal couple in nature. Maybe that is why their tombs have such a prominent position as this?
Yang pasti, kedudukan makam memberikan pemandangan yang cantik lagi strategik untuk melihat Teluk Lamuri. Untuk pengetahuan teluk ini yang memiliki kedudukan penting dalam sejarah Aceh. Cukup!
What is sure, the position of the tombs give a beautiful view which is strategic for looking at the bay of Lamuri. For information this bay has an important position in the history of Aceh. That's all!
p/s: Ini adalah artikel ke 282 di sini.
This is the 282th article in here.
which one is her Batu nisan? the one that have wings? or another straight one?
The straight one. The one with wings is her husband's. Note the romantic way the white clothes were wrapped around the tombstones. As with most such arrangement the husband's should be facing the kiblat first followed by the wife's to his left...
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