Seterusnya kami pergi ke Muzium Teknologi Melayu.
Next we went to the Malay Technology Museum.
Letaknya cuma setengah kilometer sahaja dari makam Sultan Bolkiah jika berjalan kaki. Jika menaiki kereta pula anda harus mengambil jalan sejauh 2 km.
It is positioned just half a kilometre only from the tomb of Sultan Bolkiah if you walk. But by car you have to take roads as far as 2 km.
Mari kita lihat ke dalam.
Let us have a look.
Nampaknya banyak paparan mengenai kehidupan orang Melayu di kampung.
It looks like there's plenty of display on the Malay way of living in the villages.
Ada dipaparkan sedikit barangan tekstil.
There are also a bit of textiles on display.

Aksesori emas...
Gold accesories...

Tetapi majoriti barangan pameran adalah berkenaan kehidupan ringkas di kampung.
But majority of exhibits are that on the simple life in villages.
Mungkin ada yang akan bertanya, kalau begitu di manakah letaknya teknologi Melayu?
Maybe there are those who would ask, if that is the case then where lies the Malay technology?

Jawaban saya, teknologi Melayu terletak pada cara hidup yang mesra alam. Di kala negara-negara Barat yang menganggap diri mereka lebih maju telah mula mencari jalan kembali yang lebih mendekati kehidupan ringkas akibat teknologi tinggi yang amat dibanggakan kini terbukti telah mendatangkan banyak kemusnahan zahir dan batin, orang Melayu dahulukala telah membuktikan teknologi tidak bermakna jika kehidupan dan jiwa jadi caca-marba.
My answer is, the Malay technology lies in a way of life that is intimate with nature. While Western nations who consider themselves as more advanced are now starting to look for a way back to approach a more simple life because the high technology they have been very proud of now proved to bring plenty of destruction physically and spiritually, the Malays of old have proved that technology has no meaning if life and soul becomes chaotic.
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