Esoknya saya pergi ke makam Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah Melaka yang terletak di Pagoh. Rujuk artikel lama Makam Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah di Pagoh (Tomb of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah in Pagoh). Kali ini saya mahu meneliti setiap batu nesan yang ada. Maka biar ditanda melawan arah jam seperti tertera di atas. Dan setiap muka dan sisi batu nesan pula akan dilihat melawan arah jam...
The next day I went to the tomb of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah of Melaka which is situated in Pagoh. Refer to the old article Makam Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah di Pagoh (Tomb of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah in Pagoh). This time I wanted to examine every tombstone available. Thus let it be marked counter-clockwise as shown above. And every face and side of the tombstones would be looked at counter-clockwise...
Menurut setengah pihak batu nesan 1 adalah batu kepala Sultan Alauddin.
According to some parties tombstone 1 is the headstone of Sultan Alauddin.
The right side.
Inner face.
Left side.
Batu nesan 2 pula dipercayai sebagai batu nesan kaki Sultan Alauddin. Namun jenisnya kelihatan berlainan dari batu nesan 1.
Tombstone 2 in turn is believed to be the foot tombstone of Sultan Alauddin. But its type looks different from tombstone 1.
Maka ada pihak lain percaya batu nesan 1 dan 2 milik individu berlainan tetapi setelah lebih 500 tahun ia disangkakan sepasang.
Thus there are other parties who believe tombstones 1 and 2 belong to different individuals but after more than 500 years it is thought to come in pairs.
Kalaulah sesiapa tahu membaca tulisan Khat yang ada dan menterjemahkannya dari bahasa Arab kepada Melayu mungkin kita boleh mendapat kepastian.
If only someone knows how to read the Khat (artistic) writing and translate it from the Arab language to Malay (or English?) than maybe we can know for sure.
Papan maklumat makam (rujuk artikel The tomb of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah of Melaka revisited di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH) ada menyebut pada batu nesan Sultan Alauddin tercatat ayat-ayat berikut :
Tiada Tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah,
Inilah kubur yang cemerlang almarhum Sultan yang suci,
Sultan Alauddin ibni Sultan Mansur Shah ibni Sultan Muzaffar Shah,
Rahmat dan kesejahteraan Allah barang terlimpah ke atas roh mu wahai wali Allah yang terpilih.
Namun ia tidak menyebut batu nesan mana yang memiliki catatan ini.
The tomb's information board (refer to the article The tomb of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah of Melaka revisited in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH) do say on the tombstone of Sultan Alauddin is inscribed these sentences : (English translation) :
There is no God but Allah,
This is it the tomb of the excellent deceased Sultan who is pure,
Sultan Alauddin son of Sultan Mansur Shah son of Sultan Muzaffar Shah,
Blessings and glad tidings of Allah hopefully in abundance upon your soul o ye chosen saint of Allah.
But it does not say which tombstone has these inscriptions.
Ini pula adalah batu nesan 3 yang dipercayai batu nesan kaki isteri Sultan Alauddin.
This in turn is tombstone 3 which is believed to be the footstone of a wife of Sultan Alauddin.
Sekurang-kurangnya ia kelihatan serupa dengan ini, batu nesan 4 yang dipercayai batu nesan kepala isteri Sultan.
At least it looks similar to this, tombstone 4 which is believed to be the headstone of the Sultan's wife.

For a better read of the inscriptions at the tombstones read this new article
Assalamualaikum Radzi. Boleh pinjam gambar2 dari blog ini tak? Tulisan dan gambar2 menarik. Teruskan.
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