Peace be upon you all. A new series on a trip to the East Coast end of 2010 is being started in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART). Thus a number of related articles would be presented in this blogspot. Come... :]
Sabtu 25 Disember 2010, hari Krismas. Setelah beberapa jam memandu dari rumah di Bandar Tasik Puteri ke Ipoh kemudian mengambil jalan dari Simpang Pulai naik ke Cameron Highlands, kami anak-beranak pun sampai ke Gua Musang lalu singgah di masjid utamanya.
Saturday 25th December 2010, Christmas day. After a number of hours driving from the house at Bandar Tasik Puteri to Ipoh then taking the road from Simpang Pulai up to Cameron Highlands, we as a family soon arrived in Gua Musang and stopped at its main mosque.
Selamat datang ke Masjid Tengku Muhammad Faiz Petra.
Welcome to the mosque of Tengku Muhammad Faiz Petra.
Kubah-kubahnya kelihatan agak menarik.
Its domes look rather interesting.

Come let us have a closer look.
Ada kawasan terbuka sebelum masuk ke dewan utama.
There is an open area before entering the main hall.
Entering the hall.
Main praying hall.
Area under the main dome.
Mihrab. Untuk makluman ini adalah artikel ke 575 di blogspot ini.
Front-most section. For information this is the 575th article in this blogspot.
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