
Tiga buku pertama yang ditulis dan diterbitkan saya.

The first three books written and published by me.

"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Mencari Diri dan Erti".

ISBN 983-42031-0-1, Jun 2006

"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Membela Syiar yang Asal"

ISBN 983-42031-1-x, Mei 2007

"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Sirih Pulang ke Gagang?"

ISBN 978-983-42031-2-2, November 2007

Buku keempat bertajuk "Rumah Azan". Diterbitkan April 2009 oleh syarikat Karnadya dengan pertolongan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, buku ini memaparkan gambar-gambar cantik berserta cerita di sebalik masjid-masjid terpilih yang boleh dikaitkan dengan sejarah Melayu Islam dan pembentukan negara Malaysia.

The fourth book titled "Rumah Azan". Published in April 2009 by the company Karnadya with the help of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, this book features beautiful pictures along with stories behind selected mosques which could be related to the history of Islam and the Malays and the formation of the nation of Malaysia.

Buku kelima saya "Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and Malay Sultanates" diterbitkan awal 2010. Ia merupakan terjemahan buku "Ahlul Bait (Keluarga) Rasulullah SAW dan Kesultanan Melayu" karangan Hj Muzaffar Mohamad dan Tun Suzana Othman ke dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk pasaran antarabangsa.

My fifth book "Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and Malay Sultanates" was published early 2010. It is a translation of the Malay-language book "Ahlul Bait (Keluarga) Rasulullah SAW dan Kesultanan Melayu" authored by Hj Muzaffar Mohamad and Tun Suzana Othman turned into English for the international market.

Seperti buku ke-empat saya "Rumah Azan", buku ke-enam "Kereta Api Menuju Destinasi" juga adalah buku mewah yang diterbitkan oleh syarikat Karnadya dengan kerjasama Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Keluar Januari 2011 ia memaparkan gambar dan cerita tentang pengembaraan menaiki keretapi ke seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia berserta tempat-tempat menarik yang boleh dicapai dengan cara ini.

Like my fourth book "Rumah Azan", the sixth book "Kereta Api Menuju Destinasi" is also a coffee-table book which is published by the company Karnadya with the cooperation of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (the main Malay literary body in Malaysia). Coming out January 2011 it features pictures and stories on the adventure travelling by train to all of Peninsular Malaysia along with the interesting places which could be reached this way.

Buku ketujuh saya "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" pula ada sebuah coffee-table book atau buku mewah yang ditulis, disunting, direkaletak dan gambar-gambarnya diambil sendiri oleh saya. Keluar dari kilang Oktober 2011, buku yang menggabungkan sejarah keluarga dengan sejarah tempat-tempat seperti Singapura, Johor, Batu Pahat, Muar malah ada sejarah Pulau Jawa dan Inggeris sekali ini telah diulas dengan saya ditemu ramah secara langsung dalam program Selamat Pagi Malaysia di RTM1. Lihat artikel Siaran langsung ulasan buku "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" dan temu ramah di Selamat Pagi Malaysia. Sedikit isi terpilih ada dipaparkan dalam Sneak peek "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah".

My seventh book "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" in turn is a coffee-table book which is written, editted, designed and has pictures taken by me. Coming out of the factory October 2011, this book which combines family history with history of places such as Singapura, Johor, Batu Pahat, Muar and in fact the history of the island of Java and England has been reviewed with me interviewed live in the program Selamat Pagi Malaysia at RTM1. Look at the article Siaran langsung ulasan buku "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" dan temu ramah di Selamat Pagi Malaysia. Some selected contents have been featured in Sneak peek "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah".


Untuk maklumat lanjut sila masuk http://www.merahsilu.blogspot.com/

For more information, please enter http://www.merahsilu.blogspot.com/


Terbaru : Siri novel "Berpetualang ke Aceh" kini boleh didapati dalam bentuk e-book. Masuk http://www.e-sentral.com/, klik kategori novel am dan pergi ke mukasurat 4. Anda juga boleh taip perkataan "Aceh" pada kotak carian. Atau terus klik Buku 1, Buku 2 dan Buku 3.

Latest : The "Berpetualang ke Aceh" series of novels could now be obtained in e-book form. Enter http://www.e-sentral.com/, click general novel and go to page 4. You can also type the word "Aceh" at the search box. Or click straight Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Masjid (Mosque of) Nabawi

Assalamualaikum. Tiga hari lalu saya telah membuat artikel bertajuk Masjid kecil antara Jeddah dan Madinah (Small mosque between Jeddah and Medina). Kiranya artikel ini bersambung penceritaan darinya...
Peace be up you all. Three days ago I have made an article called Masjid kecil antara Jeddah dan Madinah (Small mosque between Jeddah and Medina). This article could be counted as the continuation of storytelling from it.

Saya sampai ke bandar raya Madinah selepas 9 pagi Rabu 3 April. Selepas berehat sebentar di hotel saya pun berjalan kaki ke Masjid Nabawi, masjid Nabi Muhammad SAW.
I arrived at the city of Madinah after 9am Wednesday 3rd April. After resting for a while at the hotel I then walked to Masjid  (mosque of) Nabawi, the mosque of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Masjid Nabawi adalah sangat besar. Semakan menggunakan gambar satelit dari Google Earth menunjukkan bangunannya sahaja meliputi kawasan selebar 400 meter dan sepanjang 300 meter. Bangunan terletak di dalam halaman selebar 660 meter dan sepanjang 530 meter. Nampak tak tiang-tiang dengan struktur berbentung payung sekeliling bangunan? Saya diberitahu ia dibina tahun 2010 untuk memberi perlindungan  kepada jemaah di luar dari cuaca.
Masjid Nabawi is very big. A check using satellite pictures from Google Earth showed the building alone covers an area 400 metres wide and 300 metres across. The building is located inside a compound 660 metres wide and 530 metres across. See the pillars with structures forming umbrellas around the building? I was told it was built in the year 2010 to give protection to outside congregation from the weather.

Masjid ini menghadap ke selatan di mana bangunan Ka'abah di Mekah terletak sekitar 400 km perjalanan. Saya masuk ke halaman dari pintu barat-laut lalu berjalan menghala ke selatan melepasi sisi kanan bangunan.
This mosque faces the south where the building of Ka'abah (Muslims' point of concentration during prayers) in Mecca is located around 400 km journey. I entered the compound through the north-west door walking towards the south passing the right-side of the building. 

Sampai ke satu sudut saya membelok ke timur.
Coming to a corner I turned to the east.

Masjid Nabawi memiliki banyak pintu masuk. Namun dikatakan pintu paling berkat adalah yang dipanggil pintu Babussalam.
Masjid Nabawi has many doors for entrance. Still the door said to be most blessed is the one which is called  the door of Babussalam.

Dari sini kita boleh berjalan 100 meter terus lalu keluar di pintu berseberangan, pintu di sebelah timur...
From here we could walk 100 metres straight to get out from the opposite door, a door on the eastern side...

Sambil berjalan saya memandang ke kiri.
While walking I looked to the left.

Tidak lama kemudian saya dapat melihat struktur yang dipanggil Mihrab Nabi, mihrab asal semasa Nabi Muhammad SAW masih hidup lebih 1,400 tahun lalu.
Not long after I could see the structure called the mihrab of the prophet. the original mihrab (front-most section inside a mosque) when Prophet Muhammad SAW was still alive more than 1,400 years ago.

Inilah mihrabnya. Ia terletak di dalam kawasan yang dipanggil Raudhah, katanya sebuah taman dari syurga.
This is it the mihrab. It is situated inside an area called the Raudhah, said to be a garden from paradise.

Sekitar 8 meter ke kanannya terdapat Mimbar Nabi. Perhatikan tengah gambar. Raudhah adalah kawasan antara Mimbar Nabi hingga ke Makam Nabi yang terletak sekitar 20-30 meter ke timur.
Around 8 metres to its right is the Mimbar Nabi (pulpit of the Prophet). Pay attention to the middle of the picture.Raudhah is the area between the Mimbar Nabi and the Makam Nabi (tomb of the Prophet) around 20-30 metres to the east.

Satu pandangan ke belakang.
A look to the rear.

Di belah belakang itu saya berdiri sebentar mengambil perspektif melihat pandangan ke hadapan.
At that rear side I stood for a while taking perspective looking at the view to the front.

Pandangan ke atas.
A look above.

Selepas itu saya harus bergerak ke kanan lagi sebelum dapat memasuki kembali kawasan hadapan masjid menghala ke timur. Kelihatan Mimbar Nabi di sebelah kiri...
After that I have to walk furthermore to the right before I could enter again the mosque' front area heading to the east. Could be seen the Mimbar Nabi to the left...

Kemudian kelihatan mihrab baru, mihrab setelah masjid dibesarkan menjadi seperti saiz sekarang. Lihat ke kanan.
Then could be seen the new mihrab (front-most section), the mihrab after the mosque has been enlarged to its present size. Look to the right.

Ke kiri kelihatan sebahagian dari Raudhah.
To the left could be seen part of the Raudhah.

Tetapi kita tidak boleh masuk ke Raudhah dari pintu-pintu hadapan kerana ia untuk orang keluar sahaja. Terlalu ramai orang ingin mengambil berkat berada di Raudhah dan mereka perlu berebut-rebut masuk dari belakang. Awal tadi saya sebenarnya bernasib baik kerana dapat menyelinap masuk terus ke sebelah Mihrab Nabi.
But we could not enter the Raudhah from the front doors as it is only for people going out. There are too many people who wants to take the blessing of being inside Raudhah and they have to struggle to get inside from the rear. Earlier before I was lucky for being able to sneak in straight to the side of the Mihrab Nabi.

Saya pun berjalan terus mengikut aliran orang ramai ke pintu timur.
I then walked straight following the flow of the crowd to the eastern door.

Kelihatanlah tiga panel tertutup di kiri...
Could be seen three closed panel to the left...

Di sebalik panel-panel ini terdapat makam Nabi Muhammad SAW diikuti makam sahabat baginda Saidina Abu Bakar as-Siddiq (khalifah Islam pertama) dan makam Saidina Umar al-Faruq (khalifah kedua).
Behind these panels lie the tomb of Prophet Muhammad SAW followed by the tomb of his companions Saidina Abu Bakar as-Siddiq (the first khalifah, deputy of the prophet and leader of Muslims worldwide) and tomb of Saidina Umar al-Faruq (the second khalifah).

Keluar dari pintu timur yang dipanggil pintu Baqi'.
Coming out from the eastern door which is called the door of Baqi'.

Saya ke hadapan masjid sebentar.
I went to the front of the mosque for a while.

Di bawah kubah hijau inilah terletak Makam Nabi.
It is under the green dome where lies the tomb of the Prophet.

Pandangan siri kiri Masjid Nabawi sambil saya berjalan kaki ke utara meninggalkan masjid. Cukup.
A left-side view of the Masjid (mosque of) Nabawi as I walked to the north leaving the mosque. Enough.

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