Pergi menghala ke Tumpat dari Kota Bahru dan anda boleh menemui jalan ke sebuah kompleks tradisional madrasah.
Head towards Tumpat from Kota Bahru and you could find the road to a traditional madrasah (Islamic religious school) complex.
Selain sekolah pondok, ada sebuah masjid.
Besides a wooden traditional religious school, there's also a mosque.
Di hadapan masjid ada tanah perkuburan.
In front of the mosque there is a burial ground.
Ada satu pondok di tengah-tengah...
There's hut at the centre...
Di situlah terdapat makam ulamak besar Kelantan yang dipanggil Tok Selehor.
It is there that lies the tomb of the Kelantan major religious figure known as Tok Selehor.
Seperti Tok Kenali (lihat Makam (Tomb of) Tok Kenali) beliau juga mendirikan sekolah pondok dan mengajar. Malah mereka hidup sezaman dan berkawan baik...
Just like Tok Kenali (look at Makam (Tomb of) Tok Kenali) he also built a traditional religious school and taught. In fact they lived in the same age and were good friends...
Tok Selehor turut menerima murid dari seluruh Alam Melayu. Menariknya beliau ada mendirikan sebuah pondok istimewa bersuluk di dalam kawasan kubur!
Tok Selehor also received pupils from all over the Malay World. What is interesting is he built a special hut for meditating alone inside the burial ground!
Pondoknya masih terjaga walaupun tidak dipakai seperti dahulu.
The hut is still maintained although not utilised like before.
Anda boleh masuk ke dalam ruangan bawah tanah di mana anda akan berada sama paras dengan mayat-mayat yang ditanam di sekeliling!
You can enter a space under the ground where you would be at the same level as the bodies buried around!
Semasa zaman Tok Selehor, anak murid yang sudah bersedia diberikan bacaan tertentu lalu masuk bersendirian ke dalam berbaring seperti mayat. Menurut ceritanya mereka akan mengalami keadaan sebenar disoal malaikat Munkar dan Nankir dan melihat siksaan kubur. Ada berani? :]
During the time of Tok Selehor, students who have been prepared were given certain (religious) recitals and then enter alone to lie down like a dead man. According to the stories they would experience the real condition being questioned by the angels Mungkar and Nankir (according to Islam the angels responsible for questioning the dead) and see the torture inside graves. Have the courage? :]
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